@alexlica || Profile
Alexander LiCausi

@alexlica (Alexander LiCausi)
Last Seen:
It's been a while...
04 February, 2002
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
14 February, 1989
alexlica turned 35 this year.
New Jersey, Unspecified
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Heyos, I'm Alex, the resident artist of this account! :D I'm a metalhead, the kind of person who dresses in black and runs around doing... stuff. I began in Southern California, home of sunny beaches, tinsel, and In-N'-Out Burger. I moved over to New Jersey (Yes... the stinky state) around 1999, and have been living there since. I miss you, California. :(

I'm a gamer, a proud 16-bit connosieur. Couple of my favorite SNES games happen to be Super Metroid and EarthBound, and alot of you could'nt blame me, right? ;D I'm into the whole anime thing, as my artwork seems to be influenced partially by it. I will say most of it's crap, but there is the occasional masterpiece (Trigun, MSG 08th, Cowboy Bebop, Blood: The Last Vampire, etc.). I'm really not down with the whole furry scene though. I tend to dislike alot of it, but not all of it, so don't get the wrong idea, k? And on another note, I've won a bunch of art contests, from stuff on Starmen.net to a statewide poster contests. I hate bragging, but I like what I do. :D

I'm (very) big into music. I have a pretty varied taste, too. The Beatles, Rammstein, Megaherz, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, The Dead Kennedys, The Ramones, KMFDM and a slew of other schweet bands. I hate stuff like Rap and R&B though, and I'm not too big into Techno. I enjoy alot of video game music, and a particular favorite of mine happens to be from the F-Zero X soundtrack (Anybody remember? :D). It features some of the most incredible riffs I've ever heard, and is a perfect example of how good video game music can get. Thanks, Taro Bando! :D Alot of artwork I do is inspired by music, so it's pretty important to me.

I do trades and commisions too, folks, so feel free to drop me a line! :D

I could go on a bit longer, but I oughtta shut up now... eheh. Now go look at the gallery!

The gallery'll be showcasing the artwork I'm most proud of. You can find the rest over here. Thanks, I hope you enjoy your visit.

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