@aliceii || Profile
Alzeta Kelekona

@aliceii (Alzeta Kelekona)
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It's been a while...
28 June, 2002
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
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I'm not that great with these things. Let's see... I'm pretty much a scifi freak, perhaps because I feel more at home among the unusual. I mean, one could hardly call me normal.

I have a taste for peircings, tattoos and alterations, but I also appreciate nature in it's unaltered forms. I'm Otherkin, also, and have a bit of a dual personality, which makes life in general rather irksome at times.

To explain it as simply as possible: the personality of Dii'vecadii (aka Dii' or Alice) is esentially my darker, violent, usually unpleasant side with perhaps a slight touch of dementia. Dii' is most at home in large, industrial cities. Alzeta is the more mellow, sociable and layed-back part of me. She's most at home in unspoiled tropical and high elevation areas. One doesn't come without the other.

Hakii is a nickname given to me by the People (a certain group of my friends). The full thing is Hakii the magical flying chihuahua. It's a bit of a long story...

Anyway, if you like my artsiy-stuffs and want to do a trade, commission me or try a request, go ahead. Just be warned with requests that I don't take all of them. I only take on ideas I find interesting and whatnot. Commission information is on my site; I won't clog this area up with it. I must go walk myself now...

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