@ariewhit || Profile
Arielle White

@ariewhit (Arielle White)
Last Seen:
It's been a while...
12 December, 2000
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
03 May, 1988
ariewhit turned 36 this year.
Ontario, Unspecified
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Ok! Time fer a bio-update-thinger-ma-dinger-YES!

first off, I dun do request unless yer a friend of mines..in which case, dun e-mail me saying stuff like "I wanna be your friend! How do I be your friend? :D" then right after I reply or whatever, e-mail me saying stuff like "Ok! since I'm your friend, can you draw me blah and blah and blah.." cuz that just sounds.....I dunno. makes me feel like I'm being used. ;_.

Art trades I can do, but knowing me I might forget about it so you'll have to remind me every once i awhile.

And I'll do comissions. I'm poor. thats basically THE BOTTOM LINE OF IT.....damn caps....too lazy to go back and re-write that :P

ok, on with the me stuffs!

Music: Jimmy eat world, Treble charger, Green day, Hoobastank, Smash mouth, Offspring, Garbage, AFI, and pretty much any other punk/ska type music. hehe! Its funny that I type that as if you care! XD I know I sure wouldent!

my looks: Lookit mai pics, domnit! I'm too lazy to type!!

..so lesse here..the first one is of me being all beautiful and proud of my card castle, even tho it kinda looks like I'm eating outta a dog bowl, and the second one is just there cuz I acually look kinda decent in it......I'm the ones thats the girl- Just incase you couldent tell.

Um, I cant fit all my friends on my side 7 friends network thingy, so I'll post the rest of em HEAH!

Sage Samata
Jimi Newman
Jessica Ratte
Collette Mailhot
Lauren Henderson
Michelle Pollard
Emerald J-chan
Jessie Smith

..... ok, that is all. you may go away now...

I said go away....

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