@bourgogne || Profile
Arlea Rae Rashka

@bourgogne (Arlea Rae Rashka)
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28 September, 2003
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
24 November
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I'm not much of a talker.. but yeah ^^ My original home was at Deviantart (almoast been there for a year) but I recently decided to branch out. I have an account at elfwood.. but that one hasn't gotten very far since I only recently realized just how much of my work is fan-art. (Or at least the finished things) If you have some strange desire to see older (and worse) stuff of mine, which I will not be posting here for jsut that reason. Most of it is at my DevArt page.

I love drawing, bishounen (a certain one in particular ^0^) anime, manga, vidoe games (a whole bunch) j-rock (Gackt, Malice Mizer, Dir en Grey, Kaggra, Larc~en~Ciel, Moi dix Mois, and a bit of the late Aliene Ma'riage), cosplay, being alone, and creating stories for my characters, candies (SWEEDISH FISH!), cookies, cakes etc..etc.. I dislike mean people, ignorant people, vegatables, nosebleeds in the shower, arguing with anybody, when a drawing doesn't work and I have to -make- it work pout, BURNT CHEESE.

I'm currently incredibly excited about the video game that is being worked on at the moment, featuring a character that is modeled after Gackt (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^0^) its called bujingai and it looks awesome. Also the in progress Square-Enix wonder known as Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. Its a Fricken FF VII MOVIE! ^0^!!!!!!!!!!YESH!

Thankyou for your time, and I hope you enjoy my small , but hopefully growing gallery. ^^

oh, and about the photos. They are a bit out-dated since my hair is no longer any where near that long (cut it drastically about 2 months ago) and if you are wondering about the strange names, I took them from a freind of mine's site whom I modled for a few times. (his deviantart page is http://shutterspeed.deviantart.com ) both times I dressed up in a few of the costumes I had made. The ones with the black lipstick was of a black satin a furry feather costume I made based on Malice Mizer's Merveilles costumes (hence the bit of wing showing) and the other was in a hakama and yukata I made for my personal bishounen as a gift. The sword is an authentic katana from WWII. there were some others but he seems to ahve taken them down..

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