@caitmain || Profile
Caitlin Main

@caitmain (Caitlin Main)
Last Seen:
It's been a while...
16 October, 2001
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
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Konnichiwa ^~
I will admit, my art needs work, but I've been drawing for about three years. Most of the pics I will upload are old, but new stuff is coming soon!
More about me: I'm a writer, romantic, and Cardcaptor Sakura obsessed girl =P (but also getting into the Tenchi series, the Slayers series, Wedding Peach, Magic Knight Rayearth, Love Hina, Blue Sub no. 6, Maho Tsukai Tai and Visions of Escaflowne. Semi- Sailor Moon lover. Used to be obsessed with Pokemon, now only likes it mildly).Website is in progress, but not yet up. I'm on Neopets as well ( Zebra_Yoshi12 or Voodooraindrop). I like a lot of Rock (Blink 182 ) and Techno (EIFFEL 65
) music (no pop, please!XP).I also loovvee Enya. Beautiful .
I'm very much against dubbed Anime. It's just not my thing. I like subtitles, as well as Japanese music. hopefully I'll learn Japanese so I won't take so long to memorize the songs I download XD Gonna shout out to my friends. Online I've got my Twi-kun (-^.^-), Prism, Max, Rainy-kun, Meo, Glitter, Evvy, Vap, Dragon, Coral and inspiration Luna-sama ^
^. then IRL there's Alli-chan, Maria, Karina, Kinsley, Lydia, John, Rachel-sama, and Adam-kun (among others, but I won't list them all). Love Ya'll.
one last little thing. I love Kero-chan, Li-kun and Clef ~
^ Hope you'll keep an open mind and check out my gallery! Arigatou!

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