@cryskars || Profile
Crystle Karsnok

@cryskars (Crystle Karsnok)
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22 November, 2001
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
09 April, 1986
cryskars turned 38 this year.
Las Vegas, Unspecified
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Name: Crystle Dawn Karsnok
B-day: April 9th (it keeps from changing my age in my bio every year XD~)
Fav. color: purple
My carrer choice: I would like to be an animator, characther disiner, or an manga writer
hobbies:drawing, writing,(sometimes)writing poems,(sometimes)going on the net,hanging out with my friends,sleeping,being crative, etc.etc.
relation ship: I've been going out with James since May of 2002 nuf said
Fav.music:well to tell you the truth I dont really got an fav. type of music I just litsen to what sounds good to me XD~

Likes:anime,serch word puzzels,^^ animals,watching TV,Trunks, (of course everyone knows that XD)using my imagination, (I do that all of the time)macking people laught, (when I want to)my friends and family, my 3 cats,(I really love them)the internet,sleeping, etc. etc.

Dis likes:getting up early in the morning,being rushed,being told what to do,flamers, (damn I really hate those enpeshilly when they do it to my friends >,<)rude people,math (really hate that) when my cats wakes me up just to be petted,theves,(thairs to many of that)etc. etc.

Extra stuff: also love to draw to escape the harsh realitie to life I got 3 cats (I love cats) and I can get very crazy a lote ^_^ and start to act silly and I love to do request and art trades so dont be afraid to ask I'll be more then happy to do these things for you and if you want to view more of my art work then sust go to deviantart and look under the name Crystle thats all I got to say about myself.

Jornal of the day 4/19/03
my spring break went alright (I guess :P) I got nothing to do on easter tommarow which that kinda blows >,< and one of my friends is in an deppersing mood which that kindas worries me 0o (I worry about my friends easily like that because thats how caring and loyle I'm to them I even care about them more then I even care about my own self at times I know you guys may think that I'm very stupid for that but thats how I'm alright :P) I'm doing an SM and DBZ series (look at my recient pic to know what it is all about) well thats all for now peeps.
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