@danideln || Profile
Danielle Delnista

@danideln (Danielle Delnista)
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12 November, 2001
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Huzzah! I'm Danielle....My name has been ever so lovingly been shortened by my friends to a single letter, D. So I will introduce myself as D.

If you don't know already, I draw. If you didn't know that, listen to me very carefully....Go to the mirror and tell yourself you're very stupid. Then end your ignorant life by throwing yourself from a very high altitude.

Anywho, drawing is what I do. I don't claim to be good at it, by any means. I would highly disagree with the statement, actually. If my art doesn't give you severe emotional trauma, or caues you to bleed from every oriface of your body, then implode...I'd be quite suprised. However, it's what I enjoy, so I do it.

I'm 16 years old. I have brown eyes and purple hair. See the pictures of that hideous beast? That is me. Yes. I'm of Italian heritage. I'm a paranoid, fairly antisocial girl. I prefer my solitude over large crowds of people. I'll get antsy.

I like cartoons, especially Zim and Rocko. They own. I am a big music phreak. I like comics, my favorites being JTHM, Lenore, IFS, Squee, BAC, Something at the Window Scratches,The Monsters in My Tummy, being a few. I also like video games. FFIX, Legend of Mana, FFX, Soul Reaver 2, Blood Omen, Alice, the list could continue. Sleep. Reading..Drawing.duh...Dance I don't really have a favorite color, so that's useless asking me that. I'm fond of purples, black, reds, greens, oranges..You see how it goes. I hate shit yellow. There, I've discriminated.

As I've move on from some of my likes, some of my dislikes include: Most foods, sleep, being stared at, hearing laughing behind me...I'm very paranoid....The curtains being shut over the bathtub Can we say The Shining...I was traumatized after reading that book when I was 9 Mmm...My school....A lot of people...

I've rambled enough. Look at my art damn you.

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