@ereptor || Profile
Ereptor Parvulus

@ereptor (Ereptor Parvulus)
Last Seen:
It's been a while...
31 January, 2002
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
05 September, 1985
ereptor turned 39 this year.
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Oh boy, a biography. >>; Where to start.. I think I'll just stick with a number-list for this one, for I am feeling particularly lazy at the moment. :P

[[1]] I like to abuse emotions... particularly fond of ‘XD’ ... XD
[[2]] I also enjoy abusing cheap, K-mart brand ghetto slang in my spare time.
[[3]] ...
[[4]] I'm incredibly lazy.
[[5]] Hey, I’m vulgar and I cuss and fume and don’t typically say ‘and’ so much and YAY! And stuph! Unless I get in one of those weird intellectual serious moods.. then watch out—I grow a brain from fat cells! XD
[[7]] Art slave to one; Kez. >3
[[68]] I’m not very sane, not I am... and stuff.
[[0]] New Jersey is my birthing hole. They uncovered me and shipped me down to Florida in a little wooden crate when I was 9. >
> The white-coats wanted to put me in an aquarium, but I told them I might stain their floo’ .. so they threw me out. >D
[[55]] I like eggnog... nog is tasty and liquid of ze gods. Nog goooood...
[[2,682]] Coffee stunted my growth. nod nod stunted it to a meager 4 ft 11 inches. FEAR MY MIDGET-LIKE POWA’! >D
[[12]] The astrology gods got confused and exploded upon my horrid birthing day. The explosion of the heavenly beings dubbed me a Virgo. I should have been a Scorpio. >P And that’s why bacon bits rain down from the sky on Valentine’s Day.
[[45]] Single, straight, bitch, not looking. :P
[[11]] Simba owns me.
[[-31]] Simba owns you.
[[33]] If Simba peed, or vomited on your stuff... it’s hers. I’m a HERS! XD YOU’RE A HERS! XD [Sounds like a fun new CANDY brand name... >D ‘HERS Candy—it’s not yours... it’s HERS!’ points to hissing, bloated PMSie Simba-kitty]
[[14]] My 3.. er..2 Rats, Kotake and Kokoa [Koume recently deceased ;;] take after my laziness.
[[15]] I like... RED! Red and Black.. Black white and red.. silver red black white. X3 Yeee... Me bangs are red...
[[14]] Uhh.. DJ food currently lives in my ear-drums. Last week’s victim were The B-52’s! XD And then is was some random d&b shit. And then before that.. I can’t remember! XD And quite frankly, I dun’ give a flying donkey-nut! I beg to differ if you think you do too...
[[1.05]] FUN fer Kat = Anime-crap, video games, saurians [dragons, snakes, reptiles... things of that sort], webby-ness and shit [yes SHIT! FUN SHIT! HAPPY SHIT! ALL KINDSA’ SHIT] base are belong to poo make Homer go something something.. blah.
[[81]] I tend to not make sense lots.
[[-46,377.5]] Don’t AIM me... for I don’t know who you are and I might become rabid and hump your leg. It hurts me a lot mo’ than it’ll hurt you.

> Ok, I’m done being an idiot... Yes I do art trades, although they might take forever to get back to you, I enjoy doing them immensely. ^^’’ And I love gifts too... hint HINT I’ll love and worship you forever if you doodle some crapolicious pic of Pikaki.

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