@gemmphoe || Profile
Gemma Phoenix

@gemmphoe (Gemma Phoenix)
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It's been a while...
17 June, 2002
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
12 August, 1986
gemmphoe turned 38 this year.
Kent, Unspecified
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My names Gemma. Im not really sure what you would catagorise my art under, I like to copy some pictures but I also draw my own little human characters in my own little way. Its not manga quite but as I say, I dont know what to call it really. My brother is a nut on furry art and has about 50 pics on this thing but its not really my kind of thing although I draw his people sometimes. Im quite new to this. My interests are...hmmm.....music, mainly rock, metal, indie, punk, you know the sort. Yeah and nu-metal. Kittie, Korn, Stereophonics, System of a down, Nine inch nails, you name it, although none of this is relevant.I love art natuarally and am hopefully doing it in 6th form. My pictures mainly revolve around a skinny, moody 21 year old character of mine called Ceres (I think I meant to spell it Cerys but I didnt) who is half English, half Welsh but lives in NYC. There is a bit of a story around her but its not really important. I hope people enjoy my art and Id appreciate any comments you have on the piccys (as long as theyre nice) :)
Luv Gem * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * P.S In the picture, I am the one with kerrang bag over face. Taken prior V hardcore V good Korn gig...

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