@girl_on_the_moon || Profile
Karen A.

@girl_on_the_moon (Karen A.)
Last Seen:
It's been a while...
24 October, 2003
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
06 April, 1987
girl_on_the_moon turned 37 this year.
Colorado, Unspecified
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hey, whats up. Im Karen. AGE: Sixteen. LOCATION: I live in Boulder, Colorado, though not really in the mountains--although i can see them from the roof of my house. Its more like the desert/foothills area, y'know?

LOVE: Homestar Runner, mint chocolate ice cream, drawing, colors, Bacardi, dark eyeliner, The Simpsons, SUMMER, chinese food (especially cheap chinese food), my buddies, HP, costumes, gothic shitkicker boots, red-and-white striped tights, the red hot chili peppers, the dollar store, and last but not least, Senor rodrigeuz. I love you man.

HATE: school, summer reading, coleslaw, red lipstick, little kids, freshmen, cheap-ass shampoo, Chores, being sick, hair gel, the smell and taste of vinegar, Mexican food, Deadlines, aquaintances, Ketchup, and of course, socks.

PETS: My dog is called Dice, she's an australian cattle dog who never shuts up, my cat is Kitty (i named her when i was three, so shut up) who is old and grumpy and hates everything, and my kitten is Maple and she chases my feet when I walk. Ow, you bastard!

oh, and the pictures. A. me in my room. with my scarf. looking sad. awww.... B. In a bunny suit that i made not only for halloween, but because everyone needs to own/wear a bunny suit at some point in their lives. that means you.

uh, okay. Thats my profile. Did i do everything right? ha!

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