@heatalex || Profile
Heather Alexander

@heatalex (Heather Alexander)
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15 April, 1988
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Texas, Unspecified
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Lello, and welcome to my gallery! =3 Enjoy looking through my (few) pics. There are definately more to come! ^^

Now, for a bit about me...

Name: Heather Alexander
Nicknames: Halie Sketchit, Hal, Halu, Heathah, Loser, ect...
Age: 14
Hair: Dark brown. =3
Eyes: Greenish yellow.
Height: 5'6.
Occupation: 8th grade student
Hobbies: Drawing, chatting on the net, role playing, playing my flute, chillin' with my best friends. =3
Dream: To get a degree in animation/art, and maybe in music/band, also. ^^ I love both to pieces. After that, I want to go and work at Disney as an animator... Maybe I'll work part time for a symphony/orchestra, too. ^.^
Short Term Goal: To meet some of my online friends, preferribly Terru, Nikki, Sam, Iris, or Nekki. ^
^ Des all cool. Oh, and of course, go back to Disneyworld for a visit! =3
Long Term Goal: To live a great life with as many friends as possible, and to achieve all parts of my dream, of course! ^^
Bishounen: Tracey Sketchit/Kenji, George Weasley/Oliver Phelps, Kafei (From Majora's mask. =D), and... well, he's not a bishi, but my real life crush as the of the current is Josh Gibson. >3 Whatta sweetie.


Skool Subject: Art, Band, Encounters (don't ask. =3), and occasionally Social Studies. Specially around Civil war time. ^^ That's when it gets EXTREMELY interesting. (Hah, like the Transcontinental Railroad. >D Luv it!)
Video Game: All of the Parappa games, and both of the N64 Zelda games. =)
Type of music: Symphony/orchestra. ^^ REAL music, hah.
Movie(s): Atlantis: The Lost Empire, Titanic, Artificial Intelligence, Harry Potter, Shrek, Monsters Inc. (4 outta the six of those made me cry. =P)
Sport: Figure skating (My fav femme figure skater is Sarah Hughes. =D My fav male is Timmy Goebel. >D)
Animation style: Oh, I love American animation. ^^ When I say that, I mean detailed American, like Disney/Don Bluth and such. =P Not crap jack stuff. Japanese anime is nifty too. ^^
Hello Kitty Character: Nemmuko Nyago, and Chococat! XDDD
Christmas Carol: Carol of the Bells... I've heard like... 20 different versions of this song, and I love them ALL. ^^
Time of the year: Christmas. And my birthday. >D Presents!
TV show: Um... Whose Line is it Anyway. XD And America's funniest home videos. Anything that'll make me laugh! Oh, King of the Hill is a good show too! XD
Food: Nyu, I lurve lasagna (I'm a reincarnated version of Garfield. >D). I also like cookies!
Specially the soft kind Albertsons sells... nyaaa. drool
Animal: Panthers rule the world. I shant say anything else. XD

Least Favorites:

Skool Subject: Anything having to do with math. I'm just not good at it/gifted with it. I like my teacher, tho. ^^ She's really nice and really helpful. xX; I just can't get anything in that subject, lol.
Video game: Any sports game. x_X Especially golf games. BLEH.
Type of music: RAP- Retards Attempting Poetry. =P
Movie(s): I dunno... The recent release of several war movies is somewhat agitating, however. x_X
Sport: Nascar... is that even a sport? You can crash and burn on the highway, thank you very much. Keeyah.
Animation style: Half assed crap like they put on Nickelodean and Cartoon Network these days... The shows are pretty neat (IE- Fairly Odd Parents, Dexter's Lab), but the animation SUCKS.
Hello Kitty Character: shrug I love them all. They're sooo cute. XD
Christmas Carol: Jingle Bells. I've heard 20 different versions of THIS song too, and I hate them all. >D
Time of the year: Valentines Day. Sucks if you're like me, and have never had a boyfriend... ><
Food: Anything without flavor... like, mayonase and cheese (unless it is cheddar cheese). XD I like my food strong. But not INCREADIBLY strong, like Blue Cheese. o_O Mmm, moldyyyy.
Animal: shrug If I say anything, animal activists like TERRU will beat me to a pulp. XD No, truthfully, I think they're all cool. =)

Shout outs to:
All mah homies at Cherrygrove Oekaki BBS! XD Luv y'all!
My 06 buddies at North Shore Middle! =D You r0xx0rs my s0xx0rs. >DDD!!! And to 07'ers too! XD My lil buddies!
Mah great role play buddies- Terru, Nikki, and Sam. Peace, Love, and chicken grease forevva to yas! =D
Das about it. ^^ There'll be more, if I think of it. >D LOL, thank you for wasting your time reading about meee!

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