@jadzia || Profile
Jadzia Dax

@jadzia (Jadzia Dax)
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23 October, 2003
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
05 December
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Heyheyz! I am a weird person who always unfortunatly beats the odds and loves sci-fi. My personal favorite thing is Star Trek Deep Space Nine but I also love Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, and The Lion King. I am usually slap happy and my favorite pastime is having fun. Yes, I like being funny and watching funny shows (like Star Trek DS9). My favorite expression online is hehe and I'm usually laughing more than I seem to be when I type. Oh yeah, I love to write. I'm writing a fiction short story and I have written half a dozen others. I write like 7 pages a day. I like to write. yepyep, I do. I like things that force me to think. I like thinking. in fact, my brain never stops thinking. Even in my sleep I am thinking. I could use the remote to turn on anything (even the VCR) when I was two and I can turn CD players on in my sleep (literally). It has happened. I always sleep talk and walk. Yes, I know I am weird. You can stop reading now. Hey! I told you to stop reading it! I know you're reading this! I can't NOT read stuff. I'll read anything and everything from milk cartons to novels. Oh, this is supposed to be a mini-biography. Oh, well. Ok, I'll shut up now. Bye. You're still here!? I mean it now. BBBYYYEE!!! Interests: Data, dead clowns, Deep Space Nine, drawing, Jarjar Binks, Jars of Clay(the band), Legolas, reading, skiing, Star Trek, Star Wars, technobabble, The Lion King, writing

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