@katytheo || Profile
Katy Katy

@katytheo (Katy Katy)
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It's been a while...
06 August, 2001
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
12 March, 1988
katytheo turned 36 this year.
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Hi hi! ^-^
Thanks for reading this piece of quickly typed junk, you rule! ;)
I'm 13 and I come from London in da wonderful (wet) UK! yay
It's pretty much OK over here apart from the weather.
Now, I came from a little place called fanart.lionking.org, where you always had to upload animals and NOT anime, NeoPets and humans.
Soz Brian, but that's just not right! (LOL, Brian is the guy who runs the place)
I have two cats, two rabbits and a lil sister who's 2 years younger than me. (LOL)
One of the cats is mine, his name is Oscar.
He's just yer average, lazy, cuddly black and white moggie.
The other cat is Jimpy, who belongs to the family.
We got her from a friend who was moving and couldn't take Jimpy with her :(
She's a right madam, but very cuddly and friendly...when she wants to be ;)
The rabbits belong to my sis, although she only has them for the cuddly aspect.
They're not cuddly, they kick, bite and scratch, so she almost completely ignores 'em.
My dad cares for them though, and I must say theyr'e very pampered.
One rabbit is completely white with three legs. (she broke one because my sister's STUPID friends dropped her TWICE)
She's called Snowy.
The second is a recent addition to our family (our last rabbit, Sooty, died in March :( sniffle).
She's a heckuva lot smaller than Snowy, and her name is Fudge.
She's brown and white and very fast. (she got out once, took us an hour to catch her! :/)
Errrrm, I've been an anime fan ever since I saw my first dubbed episode of Pokemon.
violent shudder
Since then, I've discovered the Japanese side, realised how much better it was, and stuck with it. :)
Call me a dubbie and you can burn in thy firey pit, thank you. >;D
My fave of all time has to be DBZ, it's just so damn cool! (yes, girls DO watch DBZ, stop sterotyping! -.-)
Cartoon Network suck, plain and simple.
On NeoPets I have 4 pets: An Eyrie (Kujas_Silver_Dragon), a Shoyru (TinySaiyan), a Lupe (Soladin) and a Wocky (Gundam_Warrior ... lab ray ... long story).
I've been with NeoPets for over a year now (my last account was hacked, so I moved) and I have no intention of leaving. (what? It's a good boredom killer)
With this info, I bid you toodleypip and ja ne!

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