Lauren Mitchell

Carnak of Cornwal Character Reference

Place of Birth:
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Called 'Carnak en Fey' (Carnak of the Fairies) in my language (I made it up). As you might have guessed, she's from Cornwal. c_o That in Britain, on the sea.. It's beautiful. The edge of Britain just suddonly stops, and drops right into the water. That's what I find most stunning about that area. Why did I pic Carnak to be from Cornwal? Simple. Morgain, from Marrion Zimmer Bradly's "The Mists of Avalon" was born in Cornwal, and was the Lady of Cornwal for a time. (TMoA is my favorite book of all time). That's pretty much all I know about Carnak so far.. I haven't made up a solid past for her yet, since she's so new. All I know is that she will, more then likely, be schooled on Avalon as a Preistess..