@laurmitc || Profile
Lauren Mitchell

@laurmitc (Lauren Mitchell)
Last Seen:
It's been a while...
27 September, 2000
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
14 October, 1985
laurmitc turns 39 this year.
Michigan, Monroe, Unspecified
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Name: Lauren Elizabeth Mitchell (call me Liz or else) ^~
Hight: 5'4"ish?
Weight: 130ish
B-Day: October, 14
Gender: gal (duh!)
Hair color: Natural dark brown/red. It changes colors alot though. *_*
Eye color: Deep green

What else do you want to know about me? AIM me if you're all, like, curious. ^^;;; I want the entire world ro AIM me. Yes. Fun. c_o
I don't reply to e-mails often, though. I always forget. And I don't like to type alot.
Lately, most all of my online time is spent talking to my boyfriend.. We've gotten alot closer as of late, and.. it's cool. We're planning on meeting soon, hopefully this summer, and then ladging together sometime in the future.. prolly when I'm older. ^^; I am really looking forward to it.
I am so in love right now. ^^;
I've applied for a job at the 'Downtown Hound' pet shop, here in Monroe MI. I hope I get the job.. and not only cause I want the money- I've wanted to work there ever since I was young. ^^
Uhm.. I'm not really sure what else to go on about. I even highly doubt you're reading this.
But, seriously.. I want ALOT of people to AIM me. I love to chat, specialy about Art, hostory (mid-evil celtic history most), fashions.. all kinds of stuff.
Anyway. Yeah.

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