@maaimoen || Profile
Maaike Moen

@maaimoen (Maaike Moen)
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22 November, 2001
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
15 September, 1987
maaimoen turns 37 this year.
Limburg, Unspecified
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Name: Maaike Moen, Lady_Choas
Birth date: 15 september
Astrological sign: Virgo
Age: 14
Height: 5'7
Relatives: Bro2 (Midget & Biker), Sis1 (Foxy_Lady) ,mom & dad
Fav food: Chocolate ,pasta,kabab ^^
Fav music: Trance ,rap, ,R&B
Fav colour: Purple,dark blue
Fav gemstone: Shapire
Fav animal: CATS!!,Vampires!,Werewolfzzz ^^ (I'm being spooky agian aint I ?)
Fav subject: Art class, PE (I always get very hyper whit PE, it's scary really)
Least fav subject: Math,Dutch,German
Hobbies: Drawing ,listening to music,drooling over Spike (from Buffy tha vampire slayer ^^ ),drooling over Draco (from Harry Potter),dancing,MTB ,hanging' around the computer ,annoy my brother ,etc.

Well that's the short info (!!) about ME! ^^
Lets talk about ME! (I really dig caps lock *.*)
Well, I live in Holland a.k.a The Netherlands.
I'm dislectic (sp?), that means that my brains (yes, there really is something up there in case ya didn't notice :-p ) can not cope whit language and even worse whit grammar.
So I can read another language, can speak another language, can translate another language but simply can' write it down (ore type it down *_*)
And of course BIG SUPRISE you'll have to write down the words on your tests an exams.... (not that I study or something O.o I really shouldn't typed that -_-" nayaa, like my mom didn't noticed )
But strange enuf, I get my best grades for English if it's about language ^^
That's whay I loooooove reading en talking in English.
I totally s*ck at Dutch, German & French :-s (yes at my school you'll have to learn 4 languages, Dutch, English, French & German... The horror The pain, I'm going insane! but ya noticed that already)
I loooooove drawing and I think I'm pretty good at it too.
I have a pet cat named Miens, after a women I met in Spain (hey I was 3½ how would you name your cat ?!)
I'd like to call my oldest bro Midget cause he's 10 year older than me and is SMALLER than me (Whahaha I love to rub that in >:-D *evil grin* )
My big sis is also into drawing like myself, that's why I love her the most ^^ Here nickname izz Foxy_Lady
My other bro is into Mountain biking, he's the one to blame for getting me into MTB ^^
He's M Y F A V O R I T E B R O T H E R Can you repeat that Midget!? (sorry that was to my bro Midget, see above ^^" )
(I'm the youngest kid of 4 -_-" [and the most talented kid of 4 ^^ ] {my brothers are gonna kick my @$$ for saying that *_*} )
But anywaizzzz ...........
I have some obsessions, gehehe, Spike, Vegeta & Draco at the moment *smirk*
I like DragonballZ, Sailor Moon, SerialExperimentL@in, DiGiCharat & NeonGennesesEvangelion.
I like the songs of P!nk, Rammstein (aint that very sick? I just sayd that I hate German language, whatever -_-"), LinkinPark, LimpBizkid, Eminem, Papa Roach, Destinies Child, Mary J Blige, Nathalie Imbuglia, Macy Gray, Brainpower, Extince, Marco V & DJ Tiësto (the last 4 are Dutch ^^ )
WOW, thats a long list, isn't it?
Naya! What can I say? I like them all*_* !!
I like reading fanfics too, mainly DBZ & SM crossovers ^^
Hmzzz, I recently have 2 Neopets to ^^
A bird like creature named lil_chaos_starsailorand a fuzzy lil thingy I named lil_chaos_spirit
(I love red Neopetzz ^^)
That's about it for the moment...
But I'll be back ^_~

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