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Yuki Dream Saga

@mangoes (Yuki Dream Saga)
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27 June, 2002
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
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Hey guys, I am totally new here. This is the first time I put my work up on line, I am really nerveuse(whoops, wrote French instead of English-Nervous). I LOVE CCS and Digimon, the plot, the characters, everything is just so perfect... I wish I can draw like CLAMP--"

I like MC, her songs are (well, actually were) really nice. Her new CD just SUCKED.

My fav movie was the Harry Potter one, well maybe not, they cutted down a lot of the good parts, but that was the only movie I saw in like 4 yrs, I don't have a life huh?? Too much hwork in school, plus all the other work my parents give me. At least I am not alone, my friends are all gay geeks, their parents are just like mine.

Harry Potter the books are the best, my fav one was POA. Why is the new one not out yet?? I need HP in my life, and the old ones are just not enough any more. N E E D H P ...<< nervous breakdown>>

I used to be a C/H shipper, but I think it wouldn't work. Now I wouldn't mind if Hermione and Harry goes together, as long as it's not Ginny, no offense to the G/H shippers^

Like I said, I love CCS, I saw the 2nd movie!!! My friend Elmo(nickname) spent 28 hrs to download the movie, it was 400mb! I love S+S, and Syaoran was so hot, oh dear god, he looked gorgeous in that prince outfit!!

Digimon was better than CardCaptors(Nelvana butchered CCS--'), Season 3 was the best, everything improved. I support Taiora, Takari, Runyra, and no one can change my mind, NO ONE... maybe Ryo. I mean, I want Ruki and Jenyra to be together, but I can't ignore the fact that Ryo and Ruki flirts with eachother a LOT, and literally a lot.

I also play the piano, not as good as my friends, but I am okay, considering that I haven't had a piano lesson in 4 years. I am the accompanist for my school choir, stimes, it's very tiring cuz I am the only accompanist. I don't get to sing, for crying outloud, but I joined the choir to sing right??

I do trades and commisions but you'll have to follow my rules:

1. no sex, yaoi, yuri pics, I've seen enough of them that they make me gag(Digimon) If my parents see me draw these thing, they'll skin me alive.

2. none of the things that Side 7 has forbidden me to do, and no violence either.

3. If you are gonna request a pic, I suggest you to request it during holidays and vacations, cuz I don't draw during school dayz, too busy, with all the homework. I don't suggest you to request a pic now, cuz I am currently working on a series of posters, and don't wanna be disturbed. You can request a pic starting from August.Thanks.

4. I work on my own free will, I won't draw anything that I don't want to, but most of the time I'll draw it, so don't worry, this hardly happens.

UPDATE: July 4th
Hey guys, I uploaded 2 new pics!! Thank you to everyone who reviewed my art, I am flattered by your comments^
^ I have to answer some of you Q's
1.I used Pencil crayon, I don't like to use watercolour cuz it's too messy, pencil crayons are better to control, the shadings and stuff.
2.I guess I wasn't very clear on the Meilin Pic. I meant by my first pic as in my first pic that I uploaded onto my gallery, not my first pic ever. I mean, if it's my first pic...you wouldn't wanna see my first pic--" trust me!!
3.Tomoyo's dress, is a ...kimono, I don't know the types, seriously, I am not Japanese, this is really hard for me~
4.SE, are you playing dumb with me?? You know how I do the background, I told you, I smudged it with pencil crayon shavings.^_^

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