@maryward || Profile
Mary Ward

@maryward (Mary Ward)
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20 August, 2001
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Not much to tell right now. I just turned 18. I'm currently attending a Junior College and intend to transfer to a four-year college once I'm done there. I'm majoring in social science and will teach that. I like to draw, read, and write.

My favorite shows are Cardcaptors, Digimon, and X-Men: Evolution. My favorite movie depends on my mood, but a couple big ones are Clue, Air Force One, Young Frankenstein, and The Patriot. I like Star Trek and Star Wars. I also LOVE musicals, particularly CATS, Phantom of the Opera, Crazy For You, and Les Miserables.

My favorite music is saxophone, blues, jazz, show tunes (duh), and oldies, particularly Beatles. I'll read just about any kind of fiction novel, particularly fantasy. I would like to one day be able to play the saxophone and the piano.

I'm living with my parents at the moment. My mom attends a four-year college and will be getting her bachelor's next May. My dad works full-time and has no time for college. My older brother is attending the same junior college I am and is majoring in computers. My twin sister is attending a university about an hour's drive from home and is majoring in music theory and composition. My younger sister is a sophomore in high school.

We own seven cats. The oldest is a calico tabby, then comes a butter tabby, then a charcoal tabby, then another charcoal tabby with extra toes on each paw, then a blue tabby mosaic (he's a light gray tabby with white on his muzzle, paws, chest, and belly), then a third charcoal tabby, and finally a white kitten with black tabby markings on the top of his head, his back, and his tail. We also feed a white cat with pale tabby markings on his tail and ears that stays outside.

I have little else to say at the moment. Thanks for reading my babble.


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