Michelle Pollard

Mercury Yoshi Character Reference

Place of Birth:
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Mercury Yoshi Age: 16 B-Day: 05/01/85 Species: Yoshi Type: Faerie Element: Water Good/Evil/Nuetral: Good Bio: Mercury is more reflected off of my own personallity. She can be quite a clutz at times and even quite ditzy. She's also very much of a blonde, she's clumsy, and LOVES to be sarcastic. You could say Sailor Moon (Serena/Usagi) is Mercury's role model.... even though she isn't. Mercury is also a living PERFECTIONIST. YES, a perfectionist. She loves to draw, but rarely gets anything done because of well.... her perfectionist personallity. However, on her good side, she's very nice, and enjoys the peacefulness of nature and all of it's surroundings. She loves to make anyone smile and always fallows the quote, "As long as you're happy, I'm happy." Even though Mercury may look happy all the time, she actually is more of a loner then anything else... Because of that she can easily be taken advantage of and easily munipulated. She thrives off of attention and often looks for people to give her comments. Sometimes she may seem slefish to others... but really... she's not... she just doesn't always know how to act. She wants to make friends, and she wishes to keep them... but sometimes that doesn't always seem true.