@michpoll || Profile
Michelle Pollard

@michpoll (Michelle Pollard)
Last Seen:
It's been a while...
10 January, 2001
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
01 May, 1985
michpoll turned 39 this year.
Breeding Grounds, Unspecified
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Here's a lil bout me ^^^^^^^^__________^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Name: Shiny Crap
Age: 276
Yes, yes, hello, my name is Bryan and I am very horny... er I mean, HI! (Bryan likes Glue Guns XD) I am Michelle and err... I am a very hyperactive 17 year old ditz who is very clumsy and takes after Sailor Moon. I also have a very weird personallity. HAHAHA! POP TARTS SUCK! SCREW THE POPTARTS! CAFFEINE WILL LIVE ON FOREVER! HAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111 Insane mechanically (o.O"::???) laugh**
AOL Instant Messenger: Airpuppy2003, AnceintMew, android2835, AngelBabyEeveem AngelBabyMew, AngelicVulpix, AngelVixee, antidarkdd, antsgirl4everr, aquariusyoshi, argoyoshijr, ashreakonyiko, babievulpix, babycharmander46, babyefui, bashkilledjiggly, bashslover, bessiedac0w, bloofoxie, blueangelvixee, boobiethechao, bryanisthehm, caffinatedeevee, candycotedvulpix, celestialvixee, charanite, charonair, copycat743287586, corruptedcleffa, corruptedemail, corruptedpichu, crystalespeon, crystalvulpix, cutelildeadeevee, cutelilvaporeon, cutelitlvaporeon, cutelittlevulplx, cyiscute, dachihuahuaqueen, damnkitshera, dcharizardmaster, dddkamera, deadjigglypuf, deadjigglypuff, deadzephyr1, demoncharizard, demonessmewtwo, demonthechao, demonvixee, desertvulpix, destinykitsune, destinythechao, dixiek0ng, dwaggysdragonite, echoaureana, eeveegal01, eeveegirl01, eeveeoncatnip, electriciscute, elementalvulpixa, empresscharizard, faerievulpix, fheiureiurhi, fprrainboreon, funkadelicjiggly, gacharizardgirl, gat0mon, ggjolteon, gigabashsclone, glueplay, goddessvaporeon, gokuslittleev, goldenangeleevee, headlessmercury, herculesux, hiantoine, horeuko, hrteht874t894ett, ihatekasanagi, ihatekusanagi, ikilledthepuppy, imanookietoo, joltstar, kitaureana, lichssecretsanta, ligrahmonkit, lilbabystripedev, lilcutebabyev, lildeadmewgirl, lostangeleevee, marineespeon, mercthebarbie, mercurycharizae, mercuryyoshi, mewbaby2k, mewnique151, ncvulpixlover, oo7thundra, piichuu, pikassthepikachu, pokestamaster, rainboreon, rainboreon1, rameraalfarez, reenystar22k, reenywithlunap, sabri980, sabrinadaraichu, sail0rcomet, sailorcomet01, sailoreeveee, sailormeowth, saturnyoshi, sexmachineareana, shinymagikrap, soshicapscade, splatdadino, ssbmmewtwo, ssbpikachu, starkissyoshi, tbckitshera, teambowchukit, teekayfan, temperisanass, tinyk0ng, udunotknowme, vaporeongoddess, vulpixvull, vulpixvull001, vulplne, zelamodazafara.
And er.. I like... sugar.. yes... sugar is cool. Also, I love SSBM, the color blue, and Foxes.

Also, I just LOVE getting prank phone calls and I love to look at other people's art work. ^_^ If you would like to chat, Instant Message me at either of those names up there.

Some people ask how long I have been drawing... well around 1 1/2 years now...

Err! Gah, I wish it would let you list more friends =/ bleh no biggy, watch! =)

I may leave your name out, sorry =/ I don't mean to...
BASHYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XP, Lisa Jorgensen, Sarah Hudson, Rocco Higgins, Jessica Emerson, Jessica Ratté, Kyrrakina Sunlyth, Yushia Candair, Cally Maida, Alex Dogwood, Kayt Burkett, Scribbles Moonshadow, Amy Hayden, Jimi Newman, Alex Dogwood, Carmen Melendez, Arielle White, Li Coote, Krysta Conti

I'm adding the rest a bit later, I'm tired of typing.

Err, hey! My kitty is down there! Her name is Luna, ya see her??? Yes, I do really have a black female cat named Luna. She's a year old now and in that pic ^_^. Aww lookie! She's hiding in some plants! =P

Err 2nd picture! Picture of my friends and I at a Pokétourny. I person wif 2 hats on! YESHHH! FEAR DA HATS! MUAHAHAHAHA!! FWAH O>o fallz over (Actually I love going around stealing people's hats and putting em on mah head... it's like... so intelligent... so sophisticated... ya know?)


....for any other updates on my torchord life... check my live journal at http://www.livejournal.com/users/mercuryyoshi

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