Michelle Pollard

Rainboreon Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

A cross between a Vulpix, Ninetales, and Eevee. When sent out in battle she automatically changes her type, but to what? It's actually random which gives her a REALLY bad disadvantage in battle, the opponent also gets told what type she changes into and so does the owner so it can be a fair battle. However, the great advantage about her is that she can learn A LOT of great attacks that work so perfectly together. (EX. Sunny Day, Morning Sun, Solar Beam, Sacred Fire) List of the attacks she can learn go as follows: (not in any order)

  • Toxic
  • Mean Look
  • Take Down Sunny Day Rainstorm Solar Beam Sacred Fire Thunder Hydro Pump Aeroblast Sandstorm Bind When she uses flying attacks she gets wings

Aside from the good thing up there... there is one more bad thing... Here stats aren't like WOW!

Max Stats @ level 100: 356/356 Attack: 310 Defense: 240 Speed: 347 (Okay, so this is one of the good stats about her...) Special Attack: 332 Special Defense: 225

She's not the strongest Pokémon to catch, but she is very rare and would be a treasure to catch her.