@mitcdela || Profile
Mitchell de la Guardia

@mitcdela (Mitchell de la Guardia)
Last Seen:
It's been a while...
05 December, 2001
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
24 April, 1981
mitcdela turned 43 this year.
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Hello. Simple word, that. No, I'm not a wierdo who obsesses about things, I'm about as normal as they come. I'm not that creepy smart guy from high school, and I'm not the class jock. You know me, the guy you never remember. Yeah, that's me. Well, hello again. Catch that? I've said it twice, hence the again. Witty, huh?
Okay, so it wasn't. See, my wit wasn't memorable then, either. But I did draw. You might remember that. I'm still drawing, and I've upped the ante. I'm coloring now too, and learning 3-D soon, I hope. Those I'm going to ask for help know who they are. Or, at least I hope they do. You look different. did you lose weight?
No? Oh, it must be that I got glasses now. You look so sharp. Then again, that's the point of glasses. Okay, You've sifted this far through my conglomeration of conversation, so I'll get to the point. No, not the one on the top of my head, my other point, or at least one of them. I'm still drawing, and I'm writing, too. A good friend by the name of Andrew Kibelbek, who I'll link to this page as soon as I remember how, has been able to put up with me for nearly two years now and we've got quite the set of characters going. This site will highlight many of them, as well as a few other assorted goodies I feel like throwing out. You know, like door prizes.
I'll not dally any longer, let me get the usual stuff out of the way and then you can get onto the art. I'm twenty, just shy of six feet tall (That's I dunno how many centimeters...), I'm a guy last I checked, I weigh about 182 lbs, give or take due to the holidays, I've got brown eyes and hair, and I enjoy all sorts of things. But not asparagus. I do not enjoy asparagus. If you enjoy asparagus, well, I won't tell anybody, I'll just let you keep enjoying it by yourself.

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