vinny h

Murphy P Fox Character Reference

Place of Birth:
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  Murphy P. Fox is a kind of character that lives in the great wide world of life and society. Everyday he experiences and goes through life in many different ways. Sometimes he can go through life just like another work drone, sometimes he just lets time pass him right by without a care in the world. Even if he stops once in a while to smell the roses, life always pulls him right back into a sharp contrast. Murphy, often being stubborn tends to retaliate against life's fate. Knowing the laws of nature, fate and your average contemporary laws, Murphy tends to lose the battle most of the times and makes a fool out of himself. Other times good and bad alternates giving Murphy a daily dose of irony. 

  Murphy lives in a quiet house in a quiet neighborhood. Every morning he wakes up to do his daily routines and one of them is going to work. Murphy works as a general office assistant in a police precinct in the outer rims of the city. If you read the comics, you wouldn't detect any hints of a police precinct due to the type of job Murphy has. He works along side with his friend Captain Verne Turtle of the precinct and that's where Verne comes in.