@nekomysh || Profile
Nekomi Myshicia
Hi everyone! Well, I'm a artist from NZ, the place of Kiwi Fruit =o)
Anyway, feel free to email me about art requests or trades, I don't do commissions (not too good with the old real media, I'm afraid o.o;;) and just comments, or questions! I love people commenting on my work! =P And I love emailing people too, so if you're intresteded heres my IM and email :
luna_kitty02@hotmail.com : I use that one the most, reach me there..
DragonessSkye: Thats my IM! Feel free to IM me any time you want! ^.^;;
I am also a writer (somewhat ametuer) and you can read the stuff I've written by clicking here. Thankyou!
A picture of me. Yes, I know I should get rid of the before picture, neh?
I am 18 and this was taken a few weeks ago, when I went for a photo shoot. Bleh.. I know; I'm not that cute. ^^;;