@odduckoasis || Profile
Julie Ottosen

@odduckoasis (Julie Ottosen)
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It's been a while...
10 March, 2002
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
05 February, 1979
odduckoasis turned 45 this year.
Utah, Unspecified
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Hi!!! How are ya'll?
Well, I just wanted to say a couple of things, and one of those thing is...
Neopet users: STOP STEALING MY ART!!!!!! I'm sick of finding ppl using my art, and others, in the beauty contest on Neopets.com!! Stealing others arts is wrong!! And I would so hurt you if I could!! I'm tired of seeing artists hard work, being used w/out permission!! It's annoying, and it's wrong!! SO STOP IT!!!!
Anyways, now on to more, actual info about me. I am 24 years of age. I have been drawing all my life, and am constantly improving. I don't like to say I am the best at my art, cuz I am far from being a DiVinci. I however love to draw, so nothing will stop me from continuing to do so. I love looking at other artists work to inspire my own.
As far as how I do what I do. I find that a strange question. It's hard to explain how I draw. I just do. It's something I've always been able to do, and something I always will do. As another artists I read wrote- it's like trying to explain how a composure hears music in their heads when others don't. How do they do it? I have no clue, just like I don't know how to explain how I draw. I just do.
My goal in life it to be an animator. I would love to do that one day. I would also love to get my comic book published. It is of anthro/furry's characters. One day when I get some actual legal copyright on it, I will post some pictures of them on here, I just loath art/idea theives and am not willing to risk it on my comic book and it's characters.
Recently though, I have been considering becoming a teacher. An art teacher probably in the 8-9th grade level. Right when kids are going to decide if they want to be artists or if they hate it. I had been thinking on this for a couple of reasons. One, cuz I love kids. Two, cuz I've helped some online friends w/ their artwork, and I think it would be great to expand that to a more personal level and do it for real and get paid for it. I do still want to get my comicbook published (but that might not happen, so I have to keep my options open) and I still want to try to get into animation, but again, that might not happen either. So we'll see where I decide to go with that.

Since I have been asked on many occation, I will answer here. I am from Salt Lake City, Utah(USA). Lived here all my life, except for the 10 months I was in Hawaii going to BYU-Hawaii.
As many of you might have wondered, yes I am LDS(Mormon) and am very openminded about other religions as well, as I will never 'push' my religion onto anyone, that is not the way of my church. I love my church, and my church friends and family. I am a regular church attender, on every Sunday. However, I am still human and I do make mistakes, I am by far a perfect human, nor do I believe that any one person is that. The only thing that I know to be perfect is the truth that I hold close to my heart. That is the truth that no one can take away from me.
I love nature and animals, fantasy especially. You won't see too many 'humans' in my gallery, as mostly I like furres.
I plan on putting more non-neopet related art in it eventually, I'm just obsessed! (One reason I am, is because I've found that it's a great creative outlet. I go to neopets to interact with others more than anything else there is to do there)
I also love to rp, but I am -never- out in any roleplaying communities. I rp in my own guild on neopets, and also on msn messenger. (No I will not add you to my messenger list unless we have previously spoken. My list is too full as it is.)
I have a well-rounded group of online friends, some of which would be great fun to meet!

I suppose that's all from me for now! lol. Enjoy my gallery! ^^

Oh.. btw.. if you're wondering about the images below... well, that's me, and that's my drawing hand. Don't you feel special? (There's a story behind why I scanned my hand, but um... yeah.. lol! XD) The pic of me on the left was taken about 3 week prior to today which is 8-22-03. The other picture of me w/ the sunglasses on my head was taken prob'ly... 2 years prior? Roughly

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