Megan Casey

Myokan Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Age: Adult
Gender: Female
Name: Myokan
Other: She is sister to Tifawny, Shurikan, Klinara, Warbane and Monkshood, and is Squall's mother, whom she adopted.
Personality: She is a little drawn back, not usually the most pleasent to be around, but can be,depending on who she's with.
Species: Leopard
Colours/Markings: Normal leapord markings, one eye is green, the other blue.

Story: Little is known of Myokan's past. She grew up in a peaceful jungle, her mother, a healer. She is of a litter of 6, with two sisters and three brothers, all whom she lived with until their adolescense. Also with them and her mother until that time was her father, a beast of war. When they were past their cub stage, their father took three of the cubs, the three he named, two of Myokan's brothers, Warbane who was the largest of the cubs, with long legs, sharp features, lean, but strong, but his eyes were like his mother's, soft and compassionate. Monkshood, smaller than average, with a glint you would see in his eyes, then in his teeth as he smiled, that could make anybeast nervous, yet his mother was still within him, he was kind and goofy, when need. The third cub taken ws Myokan's sister, Shurikan. She was the stealthiest creature known, deep, blood red eyes like her father. If any of her mother flowed through her, it was deep inside, so deep not even she could find it. Their father, Stoneclaw was merely a beast of war, though he loved their mother very much, he loved war more. He was a selfish beast, cold hearted, but he could not do anything to hurt his mate or young cubs, who could not defend themselves. He knew his mate could ,but also knew she would not against needless violence. He left them and the peaceful jungle with the three cubs, leaving Myokan's mother, Sabiya, with a warless life, and the remaining three cubs whom she had named, Myokan, Myokan's sister, Tifawny, and the third son, Klinara. They grew to be adults. Klinara left earlier than the rest, but soon came back, only just before Myokan left and made her way to the Apps. Tifawny, as far as Myokan knows stayed with her mother in the jungle, and she doesn't know what of Klinara, or if her mother still lives. She came to the Apps, and stayed there, but was not very friendly upon arrival, and a very dismal beast for quite a while. She lightened some, when she came to find Squall, a panther cub, now grown and with his own family, and then, while he was half-grown, Shooter Light, a snow leopard cub, now grown and off exploring outside the Apps. Myokan is no longer a dark, dismal beast, and disagreeable, sour, seemingly always on her own, by herself, avoiding contact with others, especially after her good friend left, because she has met Syth. He is the reason that she is no longer like this, and is now, more or less, a pleasent beast. Not long ago, Myokan traveled away, going to find her family. She was soon brought back though, by a strange, voicless beast, his features sharp, with a strong, lean build. 'Twas Warbane. He too was a soleomn beast, the loss of his voice, the years of war, hardening him, but never his eyes. He too is now a kinder beast. Soon after his arrival, came another leopard, of under-average height, Monkshood, the years of war had seemingly not gotten to him, not that it showed, though. Her adopted son, Squall, now mate to Rika, leader of the Apps, has one adopted daughter, Ice Blaze, making the still rather young Myokan, a 'grandmother'. Her brother, Warbane, has a mate, Tyger, a Tiger/Cougar, and they have a litter of 5 cubs, young adults now, 4 femmes, Safari, Eala, Amaya, and Luyu, and one son, Drui-en. Monkshood, mate to Spirit, also has a litter of 5 cubs, which are now full grown, 3 males, God Speed, Sands of Time, and Ghostly Haunts, and 2 femmes, Alys and Lily. Myokan now wonders if the rest of her family shall come to this place, and if, Shurikan and Stoneclaw do, if they will be able to stay here in peace, like her brothers.