Megan Casey

Swordtooth Silentknife Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Name - Swordtooth Silentknife

Age - 23

Gender - Female

Species - Wearet (Weasel/Ferret)

Personality - Her personality is quite difficult to describe. She's kind, caring, and loving, faithful to relationships and friends, putting others before herself, and just about never too busy to play with dibbuns --- especially Snowiy. Yet she can be harsh and cruel, cold eyed and quick tongued, she'll threaten and fight, speaking her mind as she sees fit, not putting up with beasts that think they're quite high and mighty.

Descrip - She stands about 5'2", lean, and small, and thin. Her eyes are dark liquidy red, deep, like two pools of new drawn blood, and her worn out looking fur is brown, tipped with black at her paws, tail tip, ears, and muzzle. She has many scars, her forepaws and footpaws covered in tiny ones from dozens of splinters. Her right forepaw also has a small scar from an arrow, which is hardly visible. Also hardly visible is a small scar on her muzzle from the tip of somebeast's blade tip. Her left side is baddly scarred, torn at by a wolf's claws, though it's hardly ever seen, covered by her shirt. Her stomach bears scars as well, the skin torn by bat claws, and a slash from an axe blade. Her right shoulder was wounded from a crossbow bolt. Her right upper arm had an odd symbol tattooed upon it at one time, but the skin there was sliced off my the end of a fox's halbred, leaving a hairless patch of mishapen skin when it healed. On her back is a large tattoo of a falcon, along with four power points. Originally it was a raven, but it was covered over very well with the current one by Gillas Northsheer, one of the only healers Swordtooth trusts. There is a bit of a ridge going across her back though, as she was hit with an armblade, meant for her friend. Just after the incident that her side was baddly scarred during, the same wolf punched her, injuring her jaw, so it now pops in and out of place. She has only one more tattoo, on her left forearm, of a snake wrapping around it.

Family - Mother: Secretkill Silentknife Father: Bloodbane Assassin's Wrath Siblings: Adopted brother - Deathwater Riverwar Mate: Technivally, Dynamic Twistedvision Offspring: Adopted son - Snowfire "Snowiy" Coldfury. Biological daughter - Morgan Twistedvision Distant Relatives: Distant cousin - Simbrie Nytesky. Neices&Nephews (Simbrie's children) - Ryo-Ohki, Shai DragonPheonix, Lyra, Cygnuss.

Other - Swordtooth has since died, in late 2002, first weakened to a bedridden state by Dao, then killed while still in that state, by the same beast.