@satakatc || Profile
Satashi Katchi

@satakatc (Satashi Katchi)
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It's been a while...
02 October, 2001
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
01 December, 1987
satakatc turns 37 this year.
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Well - what can I say? Really? I have no idea what to write...
Uhh - okay - I love to draw and colour my pics on the computer. There's only one thing I love more then drawing, which is writing. I have a story that's over 200 pages long (typed, font: 12) and i'm only at the beginning! Cool.
My favourite show is The Simpsons ~Bart is my idol*~*.

I can really draw people well - but there's no way in hell you'd get me to draw an animal good! I try and try - but they never turn out well. All of my friends can draw animals and little criters - but I can't (but they can't draw people as well as I can - I don't mean to gloat, but it's true... even ask them!)!
Well, okay - another thing about me... ..........Hmmmmmmmm.......... Well, I like the Harry Potter books; they're cool. I guess my favourite character(s) would be the Weasley twins (mainly George - he's my absolute favorite!!!). Them and Bart act what I'm thinking... >:)
Hey, if you're into some of the things I am, e-mail me sometime!
...Right, uhh moving on then... Ohh, warning - NEVER call me an owl! I get teased enough at school about my glasses (that i DON'T have to wear ALL THE TIME only for reading, THANK YOU VERY MUCH). I SWEAR, THEY WERE THE ONLY FRAMES LEFT, I HAD TO GET THEM!!! Uhh, never mind that...
Ohh, one more thing, i'm a Vegetarian, and i say...ALL HAIL COWS, DONT EAT THEM SINCE THEY NEVER DID ANYTHING TO YOU!!! But hey, it's just me, so that doen't mean much to you, does it? DOES IT? Didn't think so... DONT EAT YOUR FELLOW ANIMALS!!! (any of them)

I think it's best for me to stop writing now - i'll only come up with more reasons to yell at you... Besided, i think it's finally long enough now! Well, guh-bye. ^_~


PS: this pic is of me... ^.^

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