@silva || Profile
Silver A

@silva (Silver A)
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It's been a while...
20 March, 2002
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
17 September, 1989
silva turned 35 this year.
Nova Scotia, Unspecified
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Well, hylo peopleses! ^.^

I would be Silver, the little girl from the land of oceans and a looong history which mostly involves the English and the French attacking each other, Nova Scotia! ^^;

Lessee... at the moment I have yet to get my scanner hooked up again (I'll have to bug my dad about that..), but I draw a lot. I write, too, but I'm not that great, really. ^^;;; Not a verra goot artist either, but you're stuck with what I do anyways because I LIKE IT! NyahahahahHA! XD;;

My current furry self would be an as of yet nameless - although I'm considering various names, she'll get one soon - silver bat morph. A flying fox, to be presise. ^^ I've got a muse, also nameless, whom I talk to about both writing ("I'm blocked! I dun WANNA be blocked! BAD MUSE!") and drawing. Whoo.

Err... what's else?

My favorite colours would be silver duh, green, bloo, turqoise and poiple. I despise pink, except for a few shades of it. My favorite season is prolly autumn because it's not horribly hot or freezing AND my birthday's around then too - 17 September, if you must know. ^^ Only bad part of autumn would be school, but oh well. shrugshrug

And that would be all.

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