@streakychan || Profile
Colleen O'Connor

@streakychan (Colleen O'Connor)
Last Seen:
It's been a while...
09 July, 2001
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
New York, Unspecified
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Well, here's a few things you should know about me:

1) I AM TOO @#$%& POOR TO UPGRADE MY ACCOUNT. I need cash to do that, and I am at a severe shortage of that. So if you want a picture from me and are willing to pay, contact me. I want munee. ;_;

2) As you can guess from my biography image, I am a big fan of PurplePussy.net. It's a comic for girls! I am a girl! Hey, it all works out.

3) I love to draw and read manga, and I particularly love Naruto, One Piece, Shaman King, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Flame of Recca, and Yu Yu Hakusho. There are many others, but it would take too much time and space to type them all. ;D

About My Art

I work on regular sketch paper with mechanical pencils. I use Microns to ink my images (.3 mm for basic stuff, and .1 for detail), and then clean them up with Pentel Clic Erasers. I color using a slew of different mediums, including watercolor pencils, Prismacolor markers and colored pencils, and the occasional graphite shading picture. Pictures can take up to three hours for me to do, but the entire process can be a short as 45 minutes for simple pictures.

I also paint cels. I may upload a picture or two of them in the future, if and when I paint more. I use deco color paint pens for my lines and System 3 acrylics to paint. most of my supplies are Wal-Mart bought, except for the paint pens, which I but at Michael's Craft Store. If you want a cel from me, beware! They'll cost you much more than a regular drawing.

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