@uu-hime || Journal

@uu-hime's Recent Submissions
FADERS Episode One: "We Met" complete & live!
15 Jun 2024, 01:37 PM

After two full years, I can happily announce that FADERS Episode One is complete. 

Click here to start reading part seven. (Trigger warning for blood)

If you've never read FADERS before, click here to start from the beginning.

So, yeah! Thanks everybody for checking out my little comic. I've always wanted to make a comic, so being able to finish this has been huge and... Read more

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FADERS Part Six Now Live
28 Sep 2023, 02:47 PM

Hi all! Part Six has been added to the website. Click here to read. I'm really excited to share these with yall -- they're definitely my favorite pages so far ❤️ (even if it's a really hefty update akjsd)

If you haven't read FADERS before, click here to start.

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It's my birthday! Click here for your gift
22 Aug 2023, 06:05 PM

Howdy ho, gamerinos. I like to give gifts to others on my birthday, so this year I made four themed to-do lists that you can get here for free. Themes are Hatsune Miku, Twisted Wonderland, Kingdom Hearts, and my comic. These planners make being productive fun and creative, and again, they're totally free. So, yeah! Hope yall check them out. Thanks

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FADERS site is now live
04 Aug 2023, 07:14 PM

Howdy, all. After a... Lot of headaches, https://faderscomic.com/ is now live!

It won't be as frequently updated as Webtoon and Tapas -- However, content will be added in parts, much like how I've been uploading it to Pillowfort.

So, yee. Go check it out, read my comic, and continue being cool. Thanks! ❤

Edit: Well, this is embarrassing. Turns out one of the links was wrong, a couple pages were out of order, and one, somehow, ended up in a loop with the previous page. That's been... Read more

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