@vixeprod || Profile
Vixen Productions

@vixeprod (Vixen Productions)
Last Seen:
It's been a while...
06 January, 2002
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
27 April, 1985
vixeprod turned 39 this year.
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Okay, I'm known for long speeches, so why break the habit of a lifetime? lol :3
Yep, I'll do trades and requests, but it depends on my current situation. Details regards them are located at the bottom...

Onto me though, I'm currently 16, but in a month or so I will be 17 with a car. Mwaha. Watch out world...
My favourite subjects when drawing are often anime based, such as Pokemon, or Neopets and animals in general. Especially cute ones ;3
I'm currenty 'employed' as artist for Pokemon UK designing the layout images, and have worked before on other Pokemon sites, including Pokemon Dream and Pokeball UK.
My favourite hangout would be Playdough, an artist community run by the very talented Domino & Kira, where I am moderator of the Art Gallery and an active member. It's on Playdough I'll post when I'm willing to take requests :)
I have my own site, kinda crappy at the moment and full of VERY old artwork of mine >.< So I'll have to get round to updating that...
In general, I'm an anime fan, an author & artist, and I love a mixture of music from pop and rock to nu-metal and rap.
I have very varied tastes, so don't judge me right away, as I may just surprise you ;3 lol ~Espeon

Requests aren't generally taken by someone asking, but by my saying I will take so many requests and then requests after that will have to wait until after I've completed the first batch. This is so I don't get weighed down or anything, as I'm fairly busy with exams coming up.
Trades I'll do happily if I have the time, so if you want to do a trade, ask away and see if I can ;)
I will also do surprise piccies for people, but generally they're limited to people I know (as in, have conversed with fairly regularly), and people who have been kind enough to draw me one :)

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