@whitespirit || Profile
George Edwards

@whitespirit (George Edwards)
Last Seen:
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08 August, 2000
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
14 June, 1985
whitespirit turned 39 this year.
Coventry, Unspecified
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Hey there! Well, uh, my real name's George Edwards but you probably already know that.

I'm open to comissions, but i'm still working on what prices to charge. Usually willing to do art exchanges. :D

I'm 20, live in Leicester, England! (Yeah, i'm British)

Main interests: Japanese culture/comics/films, films and animation in general, the 1980s, TV, retrogaming, Sega, DVD collecting, and comics in general.

TV [likes]: Spaced, Black Books, Bo' Selecta, Father Ted, The Fast Show, Big Train, TMWRNJ, Brass Eye, The Day Today, Jam, I'm Alan Partridge, The Saturday/Friday Night Armistace, Scrubs, Shooting Stars, CSI, The League of Gentlemen, The Adam & Joe Show, Look Around You.

Films [more than liking very much]: Evil Dead 1-3, Die Hard 1-3, Dirty Harry, National Lampoon films, An American Werewolf in London, The Howling [1], UHF, The Blues Brothers, Little Nicky, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Bottle Rocket, Rushmore, The Royal Tenenbaums, The Life Aquatic, Amelie, Delicatessen, Pulp Fiction, City of God.

Animé: Di Gi Charat [All, exlcuding Panyo Panyo], Excel Saga, Kido Keisatsu Patlabor, Hellsing, GTO, Anything by Studio Ghibli, Doraemon, Dogtanian, Samurai Pizza Cats, Sherlock Hound, Full Metal Panic, Macross Plus, Naruto, Mahou Shoutengai Abenobashi, FLCL.

Manga/Furry/Comics: Kido Keisatsu Patlabor, どろぼうねこ, Sabrina-Online, あずまんがだいおう, Trigun, Outlanders, GTO, WildSide, Tank Vixens, Blacksad, Creature Tech.

Game¡¡series: ぷよぷよ, Sonic, Castlevania, Shining Force, Darkstalkers, Switch/Panic, Mother [1&2], Toejam & Earl, GTA.

Music: I'm pretty much for anything when it comes to music.

Currently waiting to start back at uni, to carry on my degree in Animation :D

Beware the spooky juice....


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