@yelloebunni || Profile
Shauday Deeble

@yelloebunni (Shauday Deeble)
Last Seen:
It's been a while...
15 September, 2001
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
11 July, 1986
yelloebunni turns 38 this year.
California, Unspecified
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Full Name: Shauday Rochelle-Dior Deeble

Age: 15

Height: 5'8

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Blonde with red streaks

Physical Condition: In desperate need to work out. I want to take up Belly Dancing but i'm signed up for Kick Boxing. Boosh!! don't meet me in a dark alley

Love: single and looking for someone to find me, please come searching

Alias:Bunni, it's mine... all mine :::loox around:::cringes:::

Likes: Beach, Swimming, Kicking someone's butt on video games, oogling, being oogled. juice, sleeping, writing, yelling at random strangers, getting luvin, being called nice things, boys cuz all they really are is toys. Summer Flings (most favoritest things in the world is da summa flings, Have a fling with me!!)

Dislikes: ignorance, shallow-ness, stubborn-ness, people who dont listen, people who dont talk, some bugs, cat hair, the way my parents dance, the way really old people stare, a-hole guys, dumb-ditsy girls who add to the blonde stereo-types...ugly, nasty, old, stinky, moldie, yukking, anything not cool. being MOIST!!..and used. depression, people not laughing at my jokes. people who stare. people who are all talk. yer mom!!

FOR ART TRADES YOU MUST KNOW THIS: i like doing art trades, but a lot of people use to have major problems with whose character is whose. Gayle Warfield (Kittie) and i have joint custidy of the following characters: Chase, DeAna, Seika, Misuteri, Shiro, Kyle, Kaila and Pwwfl. The ones that Belong to Kittie are: Kage-inu, Krystal, Skitzo...and others... i'm sure. The ones that belong to me are: Jewel, Latex, Lucus... and other random characters. Lucus and Kage-inu are essentially the same character. See one day Kittie and I got together to create a bunch of Characters for our stories (my idea... oh yeah.. i remember) and we couldn't come to an agreement on the last character (Lucus/Kage-inu) so we kept our own designs. Tesha, and Hikari are characters of me sissy's....... yeah i dont feel like explaining them because i'm so sleepy right now and don't feel well. so i'll finish later... thanx for readin' my jibbajabba.
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