@zonefox || Profile
Rich Morgan

@zonefox (Rich Morgan)
Last Seen:
It's been a while...
24 January, 2002
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
03 August, 1982
zonefox turns 42 this year.
City and County of Swansea, Unspecified
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Shwmae, yous...

As my Side7 account points out, i'm Rich - unfortunately only in name, not financial status. Student life, eh?

Yes, I'm a student, and an Animation student in Teesside Uni at that, leeching off the government and their teeny-weeny loans that they believe will get me through five years of what is commonly known, but falsely described as, 'education'. Heh heh heh.

My interests? I have an unnatural liking for Anthro/furry related art and fiction (especially Sonic), and have since first seeing 'The Get Along Gang' and 'Kissyfur' in the mid 1980's. Someone direct me to a decent Kissyfur website soon, PLEASE.....

Those who know me will tell you that I'm always working on an anthro project called 'Amethyst', which has quickly become my life's work. I have eight long years worth of characters, stories and a fully developed environment that I hope to produce as an animated series/feature length film some day. Ambitious? Darn right. But ambition is my motivation to draw. Ambition and 80's music.

I am also blind in my belief that the 'Back To The Future' trilogy are the best films of all time, and my all time goal is to own a DeLorean of my very own. Stop sniggering at the back... :)

Now you lot, stop judging me on my pitiful writing abilities, and start judging me on my not-as-pitiful-but-bettered-by-many artistic offerings. I claim to be an artist, not a writer, darnit... ;)


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