JC Robinson

Catch of the Day
Catch of the Day by @Narcotics (JC Robinson)

Awwwwww. Look at Mek and his posse picking on Zim. Aren't those jerks cute? Tome looks like he's tired of aways harassing people and Zim was going to look pissed but he looks so cute all pouty like!

I got this idea from Rachel Johnston (Look they're on the cloud planet!) who was going to have this picture in with the awesome one she drew for me. They have some dialogue:

Mek: Look at what I caught.

Valc: I dunno Mek, he looks kind of small. Better throw him back!

Haha Valc! You're a riot! I don't know why Zim and Mek don't have their stripes today. We'll just pretend that their normal stuff is in the wash -.-;

Artwork © Copyright 2002 JC Robinson

Finished Work
22y85d ago
Other Work By @Narcotics

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 20 March, 2002 @ 08:19 AM

Haha! Poor Zim! (I just KNOW he got beat up in school!)

Posted: Wednesday, 20 March, 2002 @ 03:23 PM

Haha! Poor little Zim! (I KNOW he was beat up in school!)

Posted: Tuesday, 25 June, 2002 @ 10:50 PM

Before I start talkin', I hope I got the right person so I'm not blabbin' to some wierd...person. Mek is a meanie! Just like my Mek! Except she... is really scary,...has one-and-a-half foot blades that come out of her wrists,... and she's done VERY violent things to other people... Hmm... Anyway, I like it. I also think we should have them meet. It's cool!

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