JC Robinson

Cute Wuffy!
Cute Wuffy! by @Narcotics (JC Robinson)

What is is about the chubby ones? Anyway there he is in all his pudgy glory, invader Wuffy. He would be with his "buds" Skirp and Erg but they are kissing so he kind of wandered off.

Wuffy has the smallest bio of everyone cause he was kind of created for the sole purpose that I was wondering how the series (Invader Zim) would be different if Zim's name was something cute like "Sweetie" or "Cutie Pie". Do you really think Dib would be so afraid if his enemy was screaming "You wil obey the mighty Cutie Pie's wishes!" Hense the (hopefully)cutest invader ever: Wuffy!

Fun random fact: Wuffy, Skirp and Erg are all named after actual words. Erg is kind of a noise and the boys in my grade made up the word "skirp" to mean leaving or something. Wuffy...um...ok it just sounds cute! ^.^; Artwork © Copyright 2002 JC Robinson

22y115d ago
Other Work By @Narcotics

Comments & Critiques (1)

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Posted: Tuesday, 12 March, 2002 @ 09:07 PM

Awwww. He's a cute one!-He's chubby but not really FAT. I'll draw him-you can never tire of drawing cute Irkens! (I don't have an archive up yet-but I will!)

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