@fragmented_imagination: Thanks and I'm glad the issue was resolved too! Actually surprised with how well the flags turned out. ^^
Showing Pride by @Chaos-Mirror (Damian Power)
Finished version of Short Fans. Quite pleased with how it turned out actually. Rhith does enjoy being beautiful but it's not like he'll dress like this everyday.
Just barely over halfway through June and I still have commissions to finish! Back to work but it was fun celebrating!
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@Inafox: Uuummmm....been awhile. Started with a purple base for both flags then added the stripes of colors. Shading was done with a mix of pen tool for clean line hard shadows (the tablet I have is 15 yrs old so it's like drawing with a mouse) and fuzzy airbrush for the soft shadows and light. The fans themselves were done in 2 layers while the trail was done in a single layer, allowing for the transparency.
I'm glad you were able to resolve the issue with showing this on the site; this is a very beautiful piece. The flags really feel like they tie the piece together and make it look incredibly dynamic. Nicely done.