Ameigh Haley

Fancy a game of Tennis? (Catherine & Mutai 4 Bubba)
Fancy a game of Tennis? (Catherine & Mutai 4 Bubba) by @aymei (Ameigh Haley)

eeh Bubba I am sooooooooo soooorrrry!!!, I took absolutely ages and its only the first one. Please forgive me. Gosh I hope... (really hope you like it and if you don't I will do better in the next one) I don't even know if you like tennis laughs Just be very calm when you proceed to tell me how much you hate it ^______^ I apologise for all the mistakes too. More to come as long as you haven't already begun to regret ever asking me to draw your characters. I mutilated them is what giggle Artwork © Copyright 2003 Ameigh Haley

Finished Work
21y59d ago
Other Work By @aymei

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 09 May, 2003 @ 06:12 AM

This is really pretty! The character designs and use of color is quite wonderful! ^^


Posted: Monday, 12 May, 2003 @ 01:25 AM

And you've done it again! Another amazing picture! You are so good with posing, clothing, designs, and, my gosh, even a bg! I think i'll just deem you queen over all that is mangaish art! deems her ^_^ I can't wait to see more! Your stuff always turns out so swell!

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