Ameigh Haley

Trio of Angels
Trio of Angels by @aymei (Ameigh Haley)

I have wanted to draw 16 for the longest time (but I am crap at it..all those muscles that huge size...muscles are not my forte) so rather than kick myself time and again for failing I decided to do it in my style. I really wanted to add the muscles seeing as I got in his broad shoulders but I messed up heh. shrugs I also decided what the hey...he loved animals especially the little black cat, in it goes (an identifying feature cause lord knows you can't even tell it's 16) It aint great I've ruined alot of things (or just can't draw titter) but I did however get in representations of their personalities. The sun being 17 (hence the sun on his cuff) and the moon (cool and beautiful) for 18 and then the star for 16 (because he is just beautiful and I think he is just too cool!)

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Ameigh Haley

Finished Work
21y92d ago
Other Work By @aymei

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 04 April, 2003 @ 05:12 AM

Awwwwwwww!! Ameigh this is a excellent piccy, 18 looks beautiful and 17 and 16 look really handsome ^^, and I love the little black cat on 16's shoulder, it's so cute! ^^ you coloured this beautifully too.

Posted: Friday, 04 April, 2003 @ 11:36 AM

Hey this is brilliant, especially the outfits, pure class. The cat is v cute too. You've captured 16 excellently in your style esp the hair. You are most excellent at what you d (so stop putting yourself down!!)

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