Julie Ottosen

Let's play a game...
Let's play a game... by @odduckoasis (Julie Ottosen)


koff anyways.. this is Ethan and meh friends Lupess Fhaux having a little fun. They're actually at his place right now, he kinda has his own private workout place.. complete with a lap pool, which they are in. XD;; (this is following the pedicure episode.. lol!) Anyways.. I really like how this turned out, and I added some color to it w/ meh colored pencils, cuz.. I wanted too. I also colored Fhaux's hair w/ a black colored pencil to make it stand out more. ^^; Enjoy Kara! hehe. (oh, and everyone else.. ^_~)

Fhaux © Kara Artwork © Copyright 2003 Julie Young

Teen (NO)
Rough / Concept
21y114d ago
Other Work By @odduckoasis

Comments & Critiques (19)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 02 March, 2003 @ 09:07 PM

cackles insanely AIYYYYYYEEEEEEEE so pretty! =^___________^=

smaks Ethy's hand where ye think yer going? xD; is shot by Fhaux X_X;

there would be more message here but is currently 6 feet under

Fhaux:cackles very nice pic Julie nodnod =3 Ethan looks very hott x3

Posted: Sunday, 02 March, 2003 @ 09:37 PM

Muahah! Second to post! I love this pic! I love the way the water came out! the colored pencils make it look really cool! I love Ethan! He's the coolest ^^ I love your art! Especially your Ethan pictures! they always come out so good ^^ This one ish kick-arse!

Posted: Monday, 03 March, 2003 @ 02:42 AM

hehe lol this is sweet, and nice touch wit the crayons too, her hair looks v realistic and wet, they look comfy, yesh im gonna leave dem alone now bye bye u too! waves

Posted: Monday, 03 March, 2003 @ 03:19 AM

Very nice, as always. Being a newbie to Neo, I only found out about your spectacular art talent recently (along with the rumour that you are the best RolePlayer the world has ever seen...) but I must admit it was worthwile visiting here.

Anyway, about the image. Very nice anatomy and proportion. I like the touches of colour, makes it look very artistic. thinks hard Waaaaa... I can't think of a critisism... its too perfect... great job. -Chomby

Posted: Monday, 03 March, 2003 @ 04:32 AM
This is so beautiful: ) Ethan is one of my av characters of yours, he looks cool. I really love the way you did the water, it looks really good.
Posted: Monday, 03 March, 2003 @ 06:45 AM

Hmm.....i have drawn a conclusion that Ethan cant have a girl in his house with out AT LEAST getting her shirt off

sigh oh well, justa thought

Posted: Monday, 03 March, 2003 @ 08:22 AM

Yezz Magellen...I came to the same conclusion as ye...but then I realized gals only go to his house TO do naughty things o_o; I mean seriously, what is really the only reason to go to a seriously hott guy's house. Alone. Hott Guy. No one there. Hott Guy. ALONE. HOTT GUY XD;;

is shot once again ow >.o;

Posted: Monday, 03 March, 2003 @ 02:25 PM

Hi Julie, I really like the pose of this pic, I have a zafaress who once went out with a Lupe and made many pics, and I would be happy and quite honored if you could take a look at them.... if you don't mind eventualy,

some friends of mine tell me that my drawings are good, I don't know about that, but I have my style.... Would you be happy if I make you a fan art? Cause I really like your lupes... (^-^) you see I think you're cool and that your drawing are totaly awesome.

Hope you respond to me (^o^)

Posted: Monday, 03 March, 2003 @ 04:20 PM

I love the way you did the black and white but then added that bit of color! I think you should try that with some of your other pics. It doesn't take up the time that full coloring always does but it provides a little color and it looks really neato!! So yeah, if you want to that would be awesome to start doing that with some pics. :) The style just makes you look at it and go "wow that is an awesome pic!" Anyways, it's an AWESOME pic!

Posted: Monday, 03 March, 2003 @ 09:09 PM

Why does Ethan always get all the girls' attention. =P Nice piccy!!! =D

Posted: Tuesday, 04 March, 2003 @ 05:55 AM

This is truly a wonderful drawing as always.Though I'm getting confused about the hands...they are almost everywhere...cough Not meaning to be rude or something..

Posted: Tuesday, 04 March, 2003 @ 03:36 PM

Well, they were everywhere in the rp too... so lol!! His left hand is on the back of her thigh, and his right is on her back. Her right hand is combing threw his hair,, and her left hand.. is... playing with his abs and.. belly button.. LOL!! So yeah.. heh. >>

Posted: Tuesday, 04 March, 2003 @ 03:15 PM

-pokes Ethan- Careful. Wouldn't want the chlorine to ruin your prettyful toes now would you? XD

Anyways, love the picture. And thee few touches of colour...Luffle that ._. Tis a great picture, as always -nods-

Posted: Saturday, 08 March, 2003 @ 10:14 PM

Sooo this is what happened after the pedicure? I wouldn't have guessed.

Posted: Monday, 17 March, 2003 @ 01:03 AM

Hey, i'm 10 and I looked at it...It's not that gross...I've seen nastyer...Shudders XD

Posted: Monday, 17 March, 2003 @ 11:33 AM

err, i thught Eten was dating Jade. but i'm proably behind a little, as usual. sees a television WOW! whats this new-fangled item?

Posted: Monday, 17 March, 2003 @ 09:06 PM

ohhhh... This is a REALLY good pic.! Vedy passionate ;) It looks AWSOME with the dab of color! I really like it! ^_^

Posted: Sunday, 25 May, 2003 @ 04:46 PM

o...my....goodness......i so want to be faux right now......... ::eyes twitch:: ethie HOTT!!!! ::faints::

Posted: Saturday, 05 July, 2003 @ 08:17 PM

Nice pic Julie.Very life-like...excuse me for a minute... -Smacks Ethan's hand.- He shouldn't be touching her there... Fhaux:Personally,I LIKED it! Me:ROAR!WELL TO BAD!!! Fhaux:WhimpersI'll remember to stay on your good side... As I was saying... Good job Julie^^

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