Silver Pixi

Vash- Towel Dry Only!
Vash- Towel Dry Only! by @pixieangel (Silver Pixi)

Inspired by the scene in Episode 13, "Vash the Stampede" where he's drying off...mmm..something about Vash with his hair down and the thought of him in the shower...er..smacks self dirty thoughts BAD!!! :P

Finished Work
20y228d ago
Other Work By @pixieangel

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 21 October, 2003 @ 11:50 PM

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Cool Beans! Well done! I MUST SEE THAT EPP.!! XDDD Anyway the coolness is massness. i shall look at your gallrey now!

Posted: Wednesday, 22 October, 2003 @ 12:10 AM

lol. That was my reaction to seeing him all cute like this too. Episode 13 won't be on for a while if Adult Swim decides to keep Trigun on as part of their nightly schedule which i hope they do!! If you've got cable and have Cartoon Network and they keep Trigun on, watch out for Episode 13. Tonight (10-21-03) is episode 26, meaning tmw night will start at 1 all over again, to give you an idea. :) So please..comment on my other pics please, and I'll keep putting Trigun and soon some BeBop stuff up.

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