Silver Pixi

Millions Knives
Millions Knives by @pixieangel (Silver Pixi)

The one and only Millions Knives, shown first as a kid (after his drastic haircut gasp) and then as an adult. I really used to hate Knives, but then...ya know, I pity him, I really do. pets Knives It's alright...just stop hating humans sweetie...

Finished Work
20y241d ago
Other Work By @pixieangel

Comments & Critiques (2)

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Posted: Wednesday, 22 October, 2003 @ 12:14 AM

Aww i know its so sadddd.. How so he hates the humans.. ANd the pic is wouderful, it looks like you used the smuge tool to mess wit his hair too.

Posted: Wednesday, 22 October, 2003 @ 12:19 AM

nods Knives' story, as little of it that they show, made me feel very sorry for him. Why shouldn't he hate humans? But he has to know..they're not all the same.

Very observant! I did use the smudge tool (I had to...I colored this with colored pencil and my scanner didn't take too kindly to it >.<)

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