Lisa Williams

Tiger Choices
Tiger Choices by @PsychoGirl (Lisa Williams)

Another one I did on a Thankyou card... only this one is rather symbolic. It stands for the fact that we all have the freedom to make choices... Choices that will either set us on top, or ruin us. I, personally, believe that unless it's chosed for you, people choose their own deaths LONG before it ever happens.... As we see this tiger cub goign through. Only, this is depicted in a more light and friendly way. ^^ Here, the cub is sat infront of two hats. One says "Choice A" and it's a Dunce Cap. The hat on the other side of him has a sign saying "Choice B" and it's a graduation cap... Now which would you pick if you were in this tiger's paws? Sure you can pick the Dunce Cap. Anyone can be a slacker andlive with no real goal... but it takes guts to aim for the higher power... but if it's at alll possible by another human being, then why can't you or me do it? I believe that a person can achieve any goal if they REALLY try. Otherwise, I would not be an artist today. ^^ Even if you don't succeed, you'll still have fought the good fight, and THAT'S what counts... thay you didn't give up without a fight. As I was taught once... "Shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you'll land among the stars."

And as they say on my school announcements: "Make it a great day or not Bears, the choice is yours." ^_^

scampers off Artwork © Copyright 2003 Lisa Williams

Finished Work
21y113d ago
Other Work By @PsychoGirl

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 12 June, 2003 @ 11:10 AM

i think im the 1st.... YAY!!!! another tiger fic!!!! screams gleefully AAAHHHH!!! im soo happy!! as ive said b4, i luv tigers!! ~~Josie-chan~~

Posted: Saturday, 14 June, 2003 @ 07:37 PM

giggles They're cute, arent they? I'm glad ya like them. =D

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