Ken Charlton

Alice in pursuit
Alice in pursuit by @Malice_101 (Ken Charlton)

As a member of C-Pol, the government funded civilian police force, Alice is somewhat... commited, shall we say, to bringing in her suspects. Coupled with the fact that most people consider her "unhinged" it can drive both her and her suspects to rather extreme lengths in a pursuit. As you might be able to tell the background is really more of an afterthought, although that may change as I have taken a shine to the image.

20y240d ago
Other Work By @Malice_101

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 15 November, 2003 @ 06:36 AM

Forget the rooftop leap, you know the character is unhinged when she is wearing some sort of lacy leg strap over her pants... Gotta love the posing though. And the attention to detail. Little police/military shoulder tags, and it even has her number on it. And as for the background....Hey, it doesn't look that bad. I mean, compared to what me and a lot of other artists on the site can do... And you even put the alternating stones to decorate the building's corner. That's jsut cool.

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