[quote="digoraccoon"]Pretty cool trick you have![/quote]
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Miss D. (Debra)
Shadow the ninja stars, why is it called that? Well glad you asked! I was having trouble with getting a "ninja star" look thin, and it involved my picture "Espio throwing a Ninja Star". So eventually I figured out to try to draw and cut out a "ninja star". Eventually figured out the "shadow", the lighting in the room. When I held the paper ninja star and moved back or foward I found that the star would get larger or thiner. So I once I got the position I wanted, I would hold the star still as I could and draw around the shadow. So there's lesson for us all. Pretty cool huh?
Now Check out "Espio throwing the Ninja Star" picture!
COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Espio The Chameleon belongs to (C) Sega. This drawing & idea from (C) 2010 Miss D. (Debra)
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Pretty cool trick you have!