B Sanders

Junicorn 2022 #7 - Hyacinth
Junicorn 2022 #7 - Hyacinth by @fragmented_imagination (B Sanders)

"One of the greater oddities of our world is the presence of equimorphic plants, otherwise normal plants which, through a process not entirely understood by humans, have grown themselves into a full-sized unicorn and pulled themselves free from the ground. The most common plants to do this are flowering plants, and the unicorns they produce can live for years out of the ground before they die. Hyacinth unicorns are some of the more beautiful specimens of this phenomenon. The arrangement of its flowers are some of the most telling of what it must look like for the unicorn to grow out of a small flowering plant. And, just like hyacinth, the hyacinth unicorn's bulbs are poisonous, even more so since the bulbs are larger and contain more toxins. Most equimorphic plants form rock-like hooves and horns from the minerals they absorb from the ground, making a temperamental hyacinth unicorn a particularly dangerous equimorphic plant to approach."

Well, I got a better start on this one, but, unfortunately, the pose and proportions had to suffer through a rushed sketch so that I could get it colored. Still, I'm a little proud of it because it's a change from just the generic "horse with a horn" concept. The background could have used some more work, but I'm already half an hour into the next day.

Finished Work
1y316d ago
Other Work By @fragmented_imagination

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