Chapter 1: Prologue

20 Years Ago . . .

It is a calm, dark night. The wind is like that of a gentle breeze. A figure runs out of the woods and into the edge of a town. She carries in her arms a basket with an infant wrapped in a blanket, gently through the empty streets. The woman was wearing a ragged cloak, to conceal herself for fear of recognition of herself and the child. She arrives at a small estate just outside the town. She walks up to the doorway, kneels down, and places the basket beside it. She gently whispers to the infant.

Mysterious Woman: I can only carry you so far, my child. I’m afraid this is where I must leave you. I don’t want to do this . . . but I can’t let “them” take you. I’m leaving you in the care of the people who live. But we will see each other again, once the time is right. Until then, you are safer here.

She kneels over, kisses the infant on the forehead, and stands back up. She places a slip of paper on the blanket that reads “Jocelyn” on it.

Mysterious Woman: Farewell, baby.

The woman knocks on the door and then takes off. She hides behind a tree a certain distance away from the estate. The door opens and a noblewoman looks down and finds the infant in the basket. She picks up the infant and gently cradles it in her arms. She then notices the slip of paper on the blanket. She turns toward the interior.

Noblewoman: Edward!

The door shuts closed. Knowing the baby is safe and sound, the woman hiding behind the tree takes off once more.

Mysterious Woman(thoughts): She is safe for now, and hopefully as she grows. But she will have to know who she is eventually. I want to be with her and teach her these things, but I have to wait . . . for I fear that a moment too soon could be enough to seal her fate.

Old Sapphire Sword Chapter 1 Draft by @Agondray

This was an old rough draft I made for my Silver Sword Chronicles series. Back then, I still called it Sapphire Sword. This was one of my first attempts at serious story writing. I wrote this back when I was still in high school, so it may not be the greatest in terms of actual writing.

Anyways, this is just the first chapter that is presented, AKA the Prologue.

Please let me know what you think!

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