@Agondray || Journal

@Agondray's Recent Submissions
🎇Independence Day 2024🎆
04 Jul 2024, 09:02 PM

Hey ya'll! This is just a quick little update/message for all of you.

First off, a little update. Now that I finally have some time off, I'm going to try to use some of it for making some new digital drawings. They're going to be for an upcoming art show. I MIGHT also try to work on some other projects of mine, but that doesn't seem to be a guarantee at this moment in my life. 

Man, I really need to get my crap together.

Secondly, I wanted to... Read more

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May 2024 update
06 May 2024, 12:37 PM

Goodness gracious, April has been a surprisingly busy month for me.

Anyways, I wanted to give you guys a bit of an update of why I’ve been so absent on here lately. I’ve been getting pretty busy with my job a bit more in the past two months, and some certain things just kept popping up on both weekdays and the weekends that require my attention. One of said things was my car having issues with the brakes, which then opened up to more problems that needed fixed. Hopefully that issue is solved ... Read more

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A few things to share.
29 Jan 2024, 09:17 PM

Hey y’all!

First off, I want to apologize for not being real active on here lately. I’ve been really busy with work lately, and I’m usually tired by the time I get home on certain days. Any free time I did have, I’ve wasted on procrastinating or doing other things. Man, I really need to work on managing my free time better!

Which ironically leads to my next thing. I started working on a series of five paintings for an upcoming local art show this march. I wanted to do a theme based on a m... Read more

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Some New Year’s news!
02 Jan 2024, 04:49 AM

Hey everybody!

First of all, I hope you all had a happy New Year’s Eve, as well as the actual New Year’s Day! I certainly did for both, hanging with my sister, brother-in-law, and some cousins for the former. For the latter, some of my dad’s side of the family came over for dinner. It was a good time.

Secondly, I wanted to share some plans and ideas I have in store for this year. This is part of my “New Year’s resolution”, if I can actually commit myself to it. I plan to expand... Read more

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A little Holiday message.
25 Dec 2023, 04:58 AM

Hey y’all!

I’m going to be taking a small break from the site, since I’ll be busy spending time with friends and family for the holidays. I also want to wish all of you here on Side 7 a Merry Christmas, and hope that you all have had a good one!

Happy Holidays!

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Okay . . . so this happened.
09 Dec 2023, 05:34 PM
I went out to the kitchen this morning at around 11: 36AM and was just talking to mom for a little bit, when all of a sudden my dog starts barking near the backyard door. My parents and I went to look out and **spotted 2 or 3 hunters** trekking through the woods in our backyard . . . ON OUR PROPERTY!

About 30 minutes later, my dog barks again. This time at the front door. Next thing I know, I see a whole herd of deer run out in the fields near where our driveway connects to the road! My da... Read more

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