@Agondray || Profile

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17d11h ago
16 January, 2023
He / Him / His / Himself
01 April
United States
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Hello everyone! How do you do? In case you couldn’t tell by my username, I go by Agondray. Tis’ Pig Latin for 'dragon', by the way! 

Here is what I will share if you want to know more about me. 

— Been alive for 26+ years.

— I am a male, both biologically and identifiably. Please don’t refer to me as they/them. 

— I’m into things involving history, mythology and folklore, fantasy, sci-fi, and sometimes a mixture of all and other themes.

— Born on April Fool’s Day. No, really! It ain’t a joke!

— Can be considered a man of culture. To what extent, I’m not sure. Key word being ‘can’.

— Been a fan of Sonic the Hedgehog for as long as I can remember.

— Nature lover. I like all kinds of animals, plants, fungi, etc.

— The only exceptions to the above statement are certain arthropods. Specifically gnats, horse and deer flies, mosquitoes, and ticks.

— Been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. 

— I’m a bit of a procrastinator.

— Currently still living with parents. Sad, I know.

As of now, art is sort of a hobby of mine. I just don’t have the time to commit to it full time. But I’m always looking for ways to improve, and do enjoy it once I find time for it. I also like coming up with stories and expanding on them if I can! I also dream of becoming a content creator someday. Comics, animated shows, video games; that sort of thing. I want to build up my with skill with drawing(especially digital format) before I commit to anything, though.

That’s. . .all I got say. Take care!

Latest Journal Entry
September Absence
01 Oct 2024, 10:13 PM

Hey, Everybody!

At least a few of you may have noticed that I haven't been real active on here lately. Literally about the whole month of September I've been absent. Well, the reason for that is because I've had a bunch of things happening that have kept me pretty busy in real life. I'll give y'all a basic rundown of what's happened. . .

  •  My younger sister has moved to Colorado with her boyfriend.
  • My older sister and brother-in-law have bought a house. My parents helped with renovations and I've had to help with helping them move in.
  • My car has been deemed unsafe to drive since its' last inspection, so I can't even use it anymore. I've been trying to save up enough money to afford a new one. Until then, I had to resort to using my mom's car to get to work.
  • My grandmother has been having some real bad health issues and has had to go to hospital(twice). She's out now and is doing alright. Hopefully she gets better.
  • Work is starting to pick back up with the new school year and I've got my hours adjusted to coincide with this.
  • Most Recently: My big sis and BIL have just adopted a new puppy! She's honestly really adorable!

Yeah, so it's been a real roller coaster of events. It has been quite a month, and there had been times where I felt my parents and I couldn't catch a break. I just hadn't had a lot of time to spend on making art or even checking up on this site.

I'm assuming we're going to be busy still in October with the holiday season starting. But hopefully, things will start to slow down a little bit and we can finally take a breather. Well, at least until things start to get hectic again!

Anyways, that's all I got to say for now! I just wanted to let you all know where I've been and that I haven't abandoned Side7. I may still check in and/or post from time to time, but just not as often I'd like. I hope you all understand!

Take care and stay safe!